Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas cookie pile-up

Last night I prepped and today I baked and baked and baked and in between I shopped and shopped and shopped. LOL I wish I could have ended up with  a better array of cookies, but  maybe for New Years I will atttempt some french macarroons. But, I digress, my sugar cookies, although not cut outs turned out pretty fab.


  1. Yummy! They look delicious!
    I'm going to start my baking today...maybe.

  2. what are ya making? Post some pics please=)

  3. Have you noticed I haven't posted in awhile? I've been a really bad blogger lately! :) I'm just making the standard fare...fudge, pumpkin choc chip cookies, rice krispie treats...

  4. mmmmm. . . pumpkin chocolate chip. sound like a great combo.
